Photo Mate R3 FULL v1.3
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This is the latest version of Photo Mate, an image organizer, library and non-destructive raw-editor for android.
Organize your images!
Photo Mate offers a photo library where you can filter and sort all your files based on metadata like camera, aperture or ISO as well as custom ratings, labels and keywords.
The library can handle jpg as well as almost any camera-raw format.
You can rate, label and keyword your images and Photo Mate generates universal XMP-Sidefiles which are also compatible with desktop programs.
View your images!
Photo Mate offers a solution to view your images along with all important exif-information like exposure, aperture or ISO. Furthermore, you can view and rate images side-by-side so you can pick the best images from your selection.
Develop and edit your images!
Photo Mate offers a non-destructive editing solution. You can decode and edit raw-files to have full control over whitebalance and exposure, as well as post-process any jpg images.
You may use all common editing tools like Exposure, Contrast, Lights, Shadows, Clarity, Vibrance or even Lens-Based adjustments. Photo Mate also comes with a Lens-Collection so you can auto-correct distortion, vignetting or chromatic aberration.
If you want to fine-tune your image, you may use Curves or Layer-Based adjustments like Gradient, Brush, Lasso or even Threshold-Based!
...and even more!
Like printing images, importing images from your camera, accessing your network, stacking or combining images or batch-conversion and editing of images.
Photo Mate R3 FULL v1.3
Reviewed by Amit Rana
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